
Change tab name chrome
Change tab name chrome

change tab name chrome

Given how similar the two extensions we highlighted are, the clearest way of determining a winner are its features. Compared to the control provided over Firefox and its tabs, you may be feeling somewhat disappointed. Unfortunately, as you will have noticed, editing tab titles in Chrome is quite limited. Tab ID can also be set to for apps and devtools windows. Under some circumstances a tab may not be assigned an ID for example, when querying foreign tabs using the sessions API, in which case a session ID may be present. The other real limitation is that you can't unlock a tab name, short of closing the tab and opening another. Tab IDs are unique within a browser session. The feature is marked as a beta, and sometimes it likes to make that very clear, refusing to lock the name no matter how you try to force it.

change tab name chrome change tab name chrome

When pages are loading, you'll momentarily see the original name, but it does revert to the modified name. This extension is basic, yet fully functional. This could be convenient if you're researching a specific event or period in one tab and something else in another. There is no way to unlock a tab without closing it, but you can rename it to something else. You can use the Inspect tool in Google Chrome to change the Tab names as well(only in the short term, because the change you are making is only local, and as. Clicking this with a name entered permanently changes the tab's name to what you've chosen. Rename Tab's unusual inclusion is the "Lock Tab" button. Once installed there is a button in the usual position.Ĭlick it and you have a text box to rename the currently-viewed tab as well as a keyboard shortcut to summon the pop-up when you want. There are no tricks or advanced settings to worry about with Rename Tab - in fact, it's very similar to Tab Titler. If temporarily changing the name is sufficient, Tab Titler could be perfect. It is a shame that Tab Titler does not retain the assigned names, but it does function. If you change the page, whether through following another link or typing in another address, the tab does not retain the name you assigned. The effect is immediate, but it is not long-lasting. Click this button, and a pop-up shows all you need: a text box and a ‘Confirm' button, though you can press the Enter/Return button instead. If all you want to do is change tab titles, this extension does the trick.Ĭompleted installation will add another button to the browser UI. Edit the name and any tabPage properties associated with it. Select TabPages property, use F4 to do so. This extension, Tab Titler, is the more basic of the two, hence its position as the first entry. A lazy way to do it without code: Select the tab control.

Change tab name chrome